Inner Boss is one of the Life Perspectives stressed on this website.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN – Some people seem to have the ability to pass through life making the right choices, and ending up with the cards of life dealing them a pretty good hand. They have children that appear to be perfect, and have master’s degrees in kindness, sensitivity, and being well-rounded individuals.
Then there is the rest of the world. We fumble through, trying our best to balance the problems and challenges given to us by life. This means you can get a C grade in one area, and an A in another area. At times it’s like Russian Roulette, and you continually ask yourself what is it going to be today? This is not a successful approach to living a full and satisfying life.
The secret is to be your own Inner Boss. What does this mean? An Inner Boss is someone who is in charge of something, namely your own life. It entails being in charge of all the activities, responsibilities and relationships that are involved in your life. A simple statement – I am my own Inner Boss, and I have control of my own life. If you remind yourself that you are the one who has control of whether you succeed or fail, then you have the ultimate power. You are your own Inner Boss.
SOME ESSENTIALS ARE REQUIRED – To be your own Inner Boss requires a few essentials. You need some confidence in yourself and your abilities. You need to be self-motivated to get things done. In this way you don’t depend on others for getting you to do what you should do on a daily basis. As an Inner Boss, you need to be informed and educated. This allows you to understand better what is going on around you. You cannot be taken advantage of by others as easily. You are able to make better choices for yourself and others.
A strong Inner boss has definite beliefs and ethics which are clear to him. He has principles to live by for a variety of situations and circumstances. He respects law and abides by it. He has established a reasonable set of values that are relevant for his life, his culture, and the times in which he lives. He uses all of these to evaluate and judge and make decisions. In other words, he can make up his own mind and then stick by his decisions because they’re support by his personal philosophy and good experiences in life. He doesn’t change his position easily to merely accommodate the situation, or appease the demands and pressures that life places on him. He makes every effort not to violate the standards of behavior that he has established for himself. He rarely compromises personal standards to appease others.
Being your own Inner Boss means you’re not manipulated nor controlled by someone else or by people in general. You don’t let others abuse you in any way. They do not make decisions for you that you should be making for yourself. Your mate doesn’t dominate in your relationship. Your kids don’t tell you the parent what to do. Your job doesn’t interfere too much with your private life.
As an independent Inner Boss, you are not easily swayed by situations, circumstances, or your environment to do things you shouldn’t, or which are not in the best interest of yourself and others for whom you’re responsible. You do not always have to fit in or be part of the group. You do not follow every style and trend in your society if it is not a good one or reasonable one for you or your family. For these reasons you can sustain a steady course, despite difficulty or adversity or what others around you are doing.
As a good Inner Boss, you periodically slow down the clock and take time to evaluate what you’re doing with your life. You think, meditate, and pray. You seek the counsel of others who have more experience than you in an area, but still end up making the final decision for yourself or for the responsibilities you have. You have self-discipline and can act independently. However you are not selfish and think only of yourself all the time.
FIVE KEYS TO BEING YOUR OWN INNER BOSS – It takes commitment and follow-through to be a good Inner Boss. If this still seems foggy to you, let me illustrate further. There are five keys to living life to its fullest, by being your own Inner Boss.
- Visualization – People want the best for themselves. When they are young, they visualize their lives as future doctors, a Hall of Fame winner, ballet dancer, or the person who is going to find the cure for world hunger. These images are not wrong. They are merely slanted so you see the potential of what is best, and greatest within you. You are using a powerful tool to successful living – visualization. If you use this technique as you live your life, you are setting a foundation to get what you want out of it.
- Assessment – Visualization leads to assessment. This means you evaluate your individual strengths and weaknesses. You determine what you’re doing and why. You understand your actions, and the driving motives behind them. You write them down. You should have both positive and negative items on your list. You decide what gets placed on the list and its relative importance in the self-visualization done earlier. Be honest with yourself and have realistic priorities.
- Set Goals – Your third step is to set goals and create a plan of action. This is where you decide what you want to do, and how you’re going to do it. Do you need to take certain classes? Do you need to move? Are you hanging around losers, and yet want to be goal oriented? Get new associates who are goal oriented and will encourage you to improve what you’re doing. Look closely at what you’re doing, and chart your progress and failure along the way.
- Evaluation – The fourth step is to re-evaluate what you’ve done, and how effective you have been in getting what you wanted. Are the plans you made coming true? Are you seeing changes in your life that are helping you become what you visualized? Are some things working better than others? Assess whether you need to drop certain activities and add ones that may give you a greater return on your time and energy investment. Once again be brutally honest with what you are accomplishing, as well as what failure has happened.
- Make Adjustments -Last but most important is to make adjustments. This final step allows you to discard less effective techniques you are using, and fine tune the tools that will allow you to succeed in life and find happiness. This also allows you to adapt to changing circumstances and the actions of others, both of which, at times, are beyond your control. After all, we all live in an interdependent world. Others do have an impact on our lives, and we need to consider this as we strive to reach our goals. Achieving goals is the key to get what you want out of life.
May you be successful in becoming or enjoying all the good things you visualized for yourself when you started the journey to be your own Master in life. It is the greatest thing you can do for yourself. You truly will then be your OWN INNER BOSS !!
MORE INFORMATION – All the information on this website is provided to help you be your own Inner Boss. For more ideas about about doing this, read the Ideas For Living Articles on this website.
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