Don’t Reserve Telling Others “I Love You” for Valentine’s Day 

By Colleen Pulley         

It is February, the month of cards, notes of appreciation, love, and remembrance. Cards fill the store shelves, for friends and loved ones. Candy is everywhere. Huge candy kisses, and gaily wrapped heart shaped boxes call to you, “Buy Me! Buy Me! Buy Me!”. They sit next to mugs with “Happy Valentines Day”. Pink, red, and white wrapping paper, and various types of ribbons are readily available. AND let us not overlook the candles, and lingerie departments!

Remembering to express our love for those we care for is a commendable thing, but recognize that the retail industry is not going to such great lengths because it is a worthwhile celebration. They are doing it to make a buck. They want you to think that you must buy their chocolates, flowers, or cards to be truly loving. I say, HOGWASH! You don’t need things to be loving.

The real question is, why do you need Valentines Day to tell the people you care for that you love them? Write a note, bake some cookies, tell them often that you think they’re the most wonderful Mom, Dad, Brother, Sister, Niece, Aunt, or person you know.

If you really like those valentine cards, get boxes of them, and start a new tradition this year. Send them out in March, April, June and July. A person who receives a Valentine card, instead of the same old “Happy Holidays” card, knows they are special. They are not a mere acquaintance, a business contact, or a long-lost relative who routinely receives a card at the holidays.  They are a person you REALLY love! For me, you can use the Valentine card anytime, including during the December holiday season. What a power surge that should give you, and the person who receives each card.

The point here should be obvious. We all have people in our lives that mean something to us, so do not forget to let the way you feel be known. A hug, a kiss, and an “I Love You” should be a part of everyone’s regular diet. May you give it freely and abundantly as you express love throughout the year.

Until Later, Colleen

Key Words – loved ones, Valentines Day, use the Valentine card anytime, express love throughout the year

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