Effective Living is one of the Life Perspectives stressed on this website.
WHAT IS IT – People are continually seeking the things they want or need to be happy and successful. To obtain what they seek requires knowledge and skills, planning and effort, time and money, and even the help of others at times. When people do what is required to get the good things they desire for themselves and others, they are living their lives in an effective manner.
REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS – To live your life in an effective manner requires several things. You should know what you seek, why you want or need it, and how to get it. In other words, have some specific goals, identify your motives or reasons for these goals, and have a plan or strategy for obtaining them. What you seek should be suitable or appropriate for you, your circumstances, and your life-style. It should have a positive effect on you. It should not interfere with the rights of others or their enjoyment of life.
Effective living is smart living. This implies that what you seek is something good for you and others. It doesn’t help you or satisfy your desires at the expense of others. You are not being immoral, dishonest, or disobeying the law to get what you want. If so, eventually you will end up paying a heavy price. This is not effective living in the long run.
Doing dumb things is not effective living. We all make mistakes, but we can minimize errors and mistakes by listening to advice and being informed and using caution where justified. Life presents enough challenges without us adding a few more burdens on our backs. This only slows us down and inhibits us from pursuing and obtaining the worthwhile things we seek.
You must be smart enough to know how to get what you want . Most of the time there is an easy way and hard way to do things. Learn the easy way because this will save you time, money and other resources. You should know where to find the information you need, as well as how to obtain financial assistance when it is needed. Know other people or find people who can help you do or accomplish what you want. Remember, it’s not what you know at times as much as who you know.
In essence, everyone wants to get certain things out of life. However, some people are more successful in doing this than others. They know what they want and usually have or obtain the resources to get it. They will put forth the effort to reach their goals or fulfill their dreams. Such people actually get the things they want or need. They are effective in doing this. For this reason they know what effective living is all about because they experience it daily. Other people are less sure of what they want and are less effective in getting the things they desire. Thus, they never experience the same amount of fulfillment and happiness as those who really are experts in effective living.
Effective living has a price which most people can pay if they will learn certain basics and apply these regularly in their lives.
APPLICATION TO GROUPS – Effective living is not limited to individuals and their efforts alone. For example, by working together with your mate and children, more things are achieved in the home. This helps family members get more of the things they want and everyone benefits in the process. The family as a whole is living in a more effective manner. Similarly, more effective living can be achieved through groups outside the home. Individuals can combine their efforts through organizations, churches, and businesses to bring about group goals. This can occur in government too. As people communicate with one another, cooperate, use teamwork, form alliances, and combine their resources; positive changes occur not only in family life, but in the workplace, in the community, and in the world. This is the power that comes from more effective living. There are improvements in the lives of people and in their environment. Ultimately this leads to better living for everyone.
Most guidelines for effective living that apply to individuals, also apply to groups. These guidelines are really basic laws of life that apply to all age groups, both sexes, and all cultures. The more people understand and utilize these laws, the more effective they are in getting what they want out of life.
MORE INFORMATION – All the information on this website is provided to help people live their lives more effectively. For more ideas about Effective Living, read the Ideas For Living Articles on this website.
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