By Colleen Pulley
When I met my future husband, I was studying to become a nurse. We eventually married and my nursing ambitions were put on hold. I become a wife and then a mother of several children. During the first 14 years of marriage, I supported his engineering work while I was a homemaker. Thereafter, I returned to college to finish my BS degree in nursing. Then came 30 years of intensive care and trauma nursing. I loved this job, and my husband fully supported me in this endeavor. However, it was never more important to me than marriage and motherhood. Likewise, engineering work was never more important to my husband than our marriage and being a father.
With my background you should understand why a recent article caught my attention. It was about a devout catholic football player, Harrison Butler, who was speaking at a private catholic college in Kansas. He shared his views on the social stigma placed on women who become homemakers. Though he said many of the young women there would go on to have successful careers, he felt that if they eventually married and had children, they would eventually agree that their most fulfilling vocation would be that of a wife, mother, and homemaker. He felt confident that his wife would support him in that prediction.
Almost before he finished his speech, Harrison was under intense attack for his views and statements. Some people demanded he be kicked off the sports team. NFL (National Football League) officials began distancing themselves from Harrison. At the same time, the NFL’s senior diversity and inclusion officer released a press statement to ensure the public knew that the league did not support his views. Every liberal news media condemned his commencement speech.
Harrison questioned Joe Biden’s claim of being a strong Catholic, yet strongly supporting abortion rights. Harrison stated the President’s support of abortion sent a mixed message to the public. He speculated that people listening to the President would think that the Catholic Church did not take a stand on abortion. Later, the issue was brought up during the next White House news briefing, and the White House Press Secretary stated the President’s was a staunch supporter of abortion rights.
Harrison Butker’s wife stood by his comments. More support came from Tavia Hunt, whose husband is the chairman and CEO of the Kansas City Chiefs. She posted on the internet that she supported education and career options for her daughters and other women. However, finding a good husband and raising a family together is one of the greatest blessings this world has to offer.
After his team won the championship, Joe Biden invited the team to the White House. Many liberals felt that Harrison Butker should not be allowed to attend the ceremony with his team. In this case the White House press secretary stated that the entire team was invited.
The fact that speaking at a private religious university and being attacked for supporting the honorable vocation of homemaker, praising the role of wife, and acknowledging the joy of being a mother, is ludicrous. In the end far more people rose up to support and congratulate Harrison, than screamed against his statements. In fact, the online site that sold merchandise for the NFL sold out his jerseys and gear. This was a way that people were able to show their support for Harrison’s commencement speech.
There are many ways we can support people and causes that build up the family, community, and bring people together. We can only defeat evil by standing with and for righteousness. A single voice alone may not make a difference, but united it can defeat evil. Think about it.
Until next time, Colleen
Key Words – college football player, Harrison Butker, wife, mother, homemaker, National Football League, Catholic, abortion, Kansas City Chiefs
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