Looking Up, Looking Straight Ahead, Looking Down

By Colleen Pulley 

I believe there are three types of people that live on this earth.

  1. Looking Up – There are those who continually look upward, searching for the greener pasture. These are individuals who are sure the answers to life are surely just over the next horizon. They sow their seeds with the firm belief that tomorrow will see them through.
  2. Looking Straight Ahead – The second group of people look at life straight ahead. They live and find their answers today, in the here and now. What they do today renders the rewards they enjoy. They do not live in the future, and their fields are what they are today, not in six months.
  3. Looking Down – The last group of individuals live with their eyes turned downward. They find the answers they seek in life from lessons they have learned from past generations and experiences. They look at the soil they plant their seeds in and make adjustments based on the performance of the past.

The great challenge we must face in life is to become all three of these individuals. Not in an unhealthy, schizophrenic sort of way, but fused together into one. Each part can arrive at solutions that are good, but by taking the strengths in each we arrive at a solution that is greater than the results expected. This model of living is called synergy. It teaches us that 1+1= 4.

Living life in the middle we often face the challenge of adjusting to the aging of our parents, conflicts with our own children, marital relationships, job changes, and financial concerns. This squeeze zone often exaggerates our worst characteristics, and this muddies our ability to resolve the conflicts in our life.

When I reflect on the things that have happened in my life, I appreciate the fact that there were others I could talk with and receive advice from. I believe one of the best things people can do is share their concerns with others. Communicating and sharing are essential. When we do this, we find the burden lightened and a greater happiness in the things we are engaged in.

Life is wonderful, and the key is to realize we can only use it. May you realize that the lines in your face, and the burdens on your shoulders are there to build you up. Finally, may you view your cup half full and not half empty. May you develop the ability to look up, look straight ahead, and look down, as you live your life and solve the problems you face.

Until next time…Colleen

Key Words – three types of people. looking up, looking straight ahead, looking down. synergy, communicating, sharing

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