Only Male and Female

By Leland Pulley

When I grew up, it was obvious that everybody thought there were only two genders, male and female. When young people grew up and became adults, men and women were expected to get married and most did. These married couples had children. Family life was important. It was the fundamental building block in any community and society. This was a prevailing social pattern for generations in my country, the United States, as well as in most other countries. There are reasons for this.

To appreciate what I said above, let us go back to the very beginning. Every man in this world was a male spirit in premortal life, and every woman a female spirit. A spirit looks like a human being on this earth. We were unique individuals with intelligence and personalities, much like we are individuals now. Male and female spirits were different in some ways, just like men and women here on the earth have some unique differences and some similarities. The benefit of both male and female is that they come together in marriage and become one or unity occurs. My wife and I are different, yet we work together as a team. We reinforce one another and help one another. I need her to be complete and fulfill my needs and wants, and she needs me. Together we have children and help them to grow up and become like us. In this way, we can populate the earth as God has commanded.

There are many challenges in satisfying both men and women in marriage and in society. But the best pattern is still male and female marriage with the willingness to have children. This pattern historically has been accepted in all societies.

Let us now consider three areas not in agreement with this pattern.

1. Heterosexual Activity – In recent years some social patterns have changed for many individuals. In the past most good people expected to experience sex within marriage. In recent years, with birth control becoming more prevalent, it has become easier for a man and woman to live together without marriage and have sexual activity. This is called fortification, which is sin. God does not approve of this, and neither should we. Such behavior has not led to better marriages, parenting, or family life. God knows this, and his laws are designed to help us be more fulfilled and happier too.

2. Homosexuality – Although homosexuality has been around for many centuries if not longer, it is more widely accepted today. The main idea is that a person is born with a certain genetic makeup so he cannot help being a homosexual male or a homosexual female. In other words, in recent decades in my country the homosexual community has pushed for acceptance of their lifestyle and getting married. Unfortunately, God does not approve of any marriage between two men or two women. Any homosexual person is expected to remain celibate throughout earth life. Some religious orders in past centuries have demonstrated socially that a person can live without a member of the opposite sex.

3. Transgender Movement – The most recent phenomenon in society is the transgender movement. This literally involves a man choosing at a young age to become a girl or a woman, and then medically changing himself through various means to look, dress, and act like a woman. The same thing occurs when a woman decides that she wants to become a man. Girls are choosing to be boys much more than boys are choosing to be girls. There are social reasons why some people are choosing to be part of the transgender movement. Unfortunately, changing into another sexual role is not an easy and clean medical procedure. For example, a man who wants to be a woman still has a male body and it shows up. This is true for a woman wanting to be a man. One medical problem that comes with the transgender movement is when an individual changes their mind later. They want to go back to their original sex. There are plenty of people on the Internet sharing their sad stories of regret that they participated in the transgender movement. Some are cursed now with a deformity in their bodies which they will have to live with the rest of their lives. As I said earlier, everyone was a male or female spirit and thus became a male or female human being. The transgender movement is evil and against the plan of God for all of us. It ultimately works against marriage and having children. It is not good for family life and stable social patterns.

School personnel and medical personnel should not be encouraging or counseling teenagers to get involved in the transgender movement. Parents too should be on the lookout for tendencies to do this in their own children. It should be illegal in every state and country to allow transgender medical procedures in childhood and adolescence. After these young people become adults, then they are free to do what they want.

One social problem that has developed with the transgender movement is in athletic competition. Anyone with a male body should not be allowed to participate in female sports and athletic contests. It is not a fair competition.

Those of us who accept our sex should be willing to help and encourage those who have sexual identity problems. Understand some basic reasons why individuals develop sexual identity issues and ultimately take action that hurts them in the long run. Offer encouragement and support during the time when any individual needs help from others.

Now let us leave the three areas covered above and go back to God’s plan for all of us. After your physical body stops functioning, you experience physical death. You do not go out of existence. You go into the spirit world and once again you are a male or female spirit like you were in premortal life. You will not be a homosexual spirit nor a transgender spirit either. You will be a heterosexual male or female spirit. Thereafter, when you pass through the resurrection and get a physical body back, you will still be male and female only. It is important for everyone to always keep this long-term perspective in their minds.

Positive Social Action – The solution for everyone is to support morality, marriage, parenting, and quality family life. Be willing to interact with and help anyone with problems dealing with sex or sexual identity. There can be fortification, adultery, rape, and incest. Fortunately, through repentance and an increase in spirituality, the negative effects of these things can eventually be removed. There can be homosexual challenges, but there are ways to deal with it during mortal life. Many transgender changes can be prevented with appropriate intervention by parents, relatives, medical personnel, counselors, church leaders, and others. Reach out and help others rather than ignore or condemn them. This type of positive action not only helps the other individual, but it is uplifting for you too. It is a win-win situation. God is happier too.

Key Words – only two genders, family life, social pattern, premortal life, marriage, children, heterosexual activity, homosexuality, transgender movement, sexual identity problems, long-term perspective, positive social action, help others

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