Life Perspectives


 The word perspective refers to how you view something. It is the angle or position from which you view it. This  affects what you see, and how you judge or evaluate it. A different  viewpoint on something can be very enlightening and educational. This is  true with life itself and more importantly, your own life and how you  run it. The way you view things and judge them affects everything you do.

 This website stresses six perspectives. 

  1. Be Your Own Inner Boss
  2. Experience Effective Living
  3. Use Good Stewardship in All Things
  4. Nurture Your Spirituality
  5. Strengthen Your Character
  6. Achieve Success

These represent some basic ways people view things in their lives. These  perspectives are also motives for why people do things. In essence perspectives provide clues to who you are, as well as what you seek and how you go about obtaining it. How well you understand and utilize these perspectives has a big impact on getting what you want out of life  and the influence you have on others too.

Consider each perspective and verify it does apply to you. Develop and use it the best you can. Let  this become a personal goal. To assist you, some material on each  perspective is given below. Also, most articles on this website are related to these perspectives or support them in  some way. As you clarify these perspectives in your mind and learn to use them more fully, you will achieve more and be happier too.  

BE YOUR OWN INNER BOSS – One way of looking at the way you live is being your own inner boss.  Everyone needs to do this, because so much of our lives is dictated by  ourselves, rather than by others or our circumstances. We have so much  power to do things if we will only use it. We must listen to our true  selves, as well as listen to others. We must set our own course in life. 

Here’s an illustration of this.  Are you tired of the daily rush? There is a solution.  Become your own inner boss and take more control of your life! How, you may ask, can you do this? The answer is to obey more  fully the laws and utilize better the principles that govern this mortal  life.  Learn to run your life better and discover a happier you! You will  get more things done and be successful in more activities.  You will have  stronger relationships and be more satisfied with life. 

For  more information, refer to the Being Your Own Inner Boss page.

EXPERIENCE EFFECTIVE LIVING –  Another way of looking at your life is through effective living.  Everyone wants to get certain things out of life. To be successful in  doing this, you must know what you want and have the resources to get  it. You must put forth the effort to reach your goals or fulfill your dreams. In this way you actually get the things you want or need. You  are effective in doing this. For this reason you know what effective living is because you experience it daily.      

Effective living is smart living. It is seeking the right things for the right reasons. It is doing things the easy way, not the hard way. 

Effective living has a price which most people can pay if they will  learn certain basics and apply these regularly in their lives. All the  information on this website is provided to help you be more effective in  the way you lead your life.   

For more information, refer to the Effective Living page.

USE GOOD STEWARDSHIP IN ALL THINGS – A third way of looking at the way you live is viewing everything in  your life through the stewardship perspective. What this means, in  simple terms, is that your life is your stewardship, and you are  responsible for how you run it or how you manage your affairs. All your responsibilities, activities, and relationships are involved. Because of  this, the type of stewardship being stressed here is holistic in nature.

The challenge is to manage your affairs well. Do  your duties with a good attitude, and discharge your responsibilities in an acceptable manner. Learn to cope with different situations and  circumstances that you experience. Know how to get along with others and  develop good relationships with them. Respect the rights of others, and  obey the law. Develop the skills and personal strengths to do all these  things better in your private life, professional life, and public life.  

For more information, refer to the Stewardship page.

STRENGTHEN YOUR CHARACTER – Your character is composed of the many attributes and traits that  make up your individual nature. You should seek good qualities for your  character. As you add good characteristics and remove bad ones, you  strengthen your character. 

This perspective supports the other ones. They all imply that you should  strive to do worthwhile things for yourself and others. However, being  your own Inner Boss doesn’t mean you’re always right, or you will do the  best thing for yourself and others. Effective Living and Stewardship add  structure and organization to your life, but this doesn’t mean your goals and objectives will always be the right ones for yourself and  others you influence. These three perspectives can be utilized without  having the best character. But with good character, each of them serves you better. The reason for  this is that good character compliments these other perspectives. It has  a positive impact on them. In this sense it breathes life into them. It  puts a stamp of approval on what you do through them. It makes your  efforts through them more worthwhile. 

When you have and utilize good character, you are automatically doing  many things that contribute to Spirituality, the perspective below. Good  Character and Spirituality support each other. Likewise, good character helps you to achieve true success, the last perspective below. 

For more information, refer to the Character page.

NURTURE YOUR SPIRITUALITY – This perspective is less understood and not as widely used as the other perspectives. This doesn’t mean, however, that spirituality is not real, or it is not important. It does play a vital role in our lives  and this should be recognized and utilized to our benefit. 

Here is a simple way to understand spirituality. Everyone has both a  spiritual and physical nature. Anything that helps us to be good or do  good things for ourselves and others will increase or raise spirituality  in our lives. Anything that helps us to be more like God in character raises our spirituality. As spirituality raises, our spiritual nature  has more control over our physical nature and we are better people and  happier people as a result. 

For more information, refer to the Spirituality page.

Note – The book Road Map to God on this website has a lot of information on spirituality.

ACHIEVE SUCCESS –  Everyone wants to achieve success in their pursuits, endeavors,  activities, and relationships. They seek the best ways to do this, and  hope their efforts will bring the results they desire. It is the desire  for success in various things that keeps us motivated and moving along  the road of life. If our goals are good ones, then our efforts will  bring the fulfillment and joy and peace of mind we seek. This perspective is dedicated to this end.

As you strive to have more success, let the other perspectives assist  you. Being your own inner boss, experiencing effective living, using  good stewardship in all things, strengthening your character, and  nurturing spirituality in your life all support success in one way or  another. When these other perspectives are utilized properly, they help  you achieve more success in your activities and ultimately become a more  successful person. 

For more information, refer to the Achieving Success page.