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Everyone is walking down a pathway in life. There are similarities and differences in our pathways. However, there are common activities, experiences, relationships, and challenges which exist among our individual pathways. This is significant.
Have you thought about the concept of a pathway? If so, where is your pathway leading you? Is it leading you towards or away from God? Hopefully, your pathway is leading you towards God. Most of us would like this goal. To achieve it, there are some essentials to consider. Road Map to God presents some basic concepts that will help individuals as they walk down their pathways. Using this material will lead to a more accurate Road Map to God for you.
Road Map to God has worldwide application. It helps individuals to improve their lives, as well as strengthen their relationship with God. There is a narrative or story in this book to maintain unity of thought and sustain reader interest. All material will help you to develop your own road map to God.
Introduction – Provides guidelines for reading the book and getting the most value out of its material.
Unit One, Chapters 1-2 : Personal Philosophy
This is the starting point. Everyone has a personal philosophy, which is made up of several components.
Unit Two, Chapters 3-9 : The Plan of Time
Religious truths are provided to help readers like yourself learn where we come from before birth, why we are here on this earth, and where we are going after death. The true nature of God is explained. Scientific information is provided to demonstrate there is no conflict between true science and true religion. This unit provides perspective for each of us. It lays a foundation for the remaining units in this book.
Unit Three, Chapters 10-14 : Religious History
Many religions and philosophies have developed over the centuries. They share some common beliefs and practices. There are good people in all religions. The goal for earnest seekers who read this book is to find truth, especially in religion. To assist you, the chapters of this unit provide relevant religious history. Much can be learned from this material.
Unit Four, Chapters 15-16 : Relevant Secular History
There were many events in history which had an impact on the eventual establishment of truth in religion. Most relevant events were in European history. These include the development of nations, the renaissance, the age of exploration and discovery, and the scientific and industrial revolutions. Throughout these many centuries Christianity spread to many nations. Finally came the establishment of colonies by European countries, which eventually lead to new nations in North and South America. Most important were British colonies in America and the establishment of the United States.
Unit Five, Chapters 17-20 : Restoring True Religion
The events in Units Three and Four were essential for the events in this unit. Many religions and churches prepared the world for the establishment of true religion. This religion had to be restored in a land that had religious freedom and stable government. This was the United States in the 1800’s. Once established, this religion shared many beliefs and practices with other religions and churches. What it offered, however, was a religion and church that offered true religion without any false beliefs and practices that had become part of other religions over the centuries. .In the last two centuries this religion has spread to every continent. A major goal of this religion is to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Unit Six, Chapters 21-27 : Spirituality
With true religion comes greater progress in developing spirituality in one’s life.
Suggestions for doing this are given. True religion clarifies what spirituality actually is and why it is so important. The basic components of spirituality are discussed next. There is a chapter on strengths and weaknesses, and one on virtues. Another chapter covers spirituality in relationships and the interaction between individuals and groups. It is important to see spirituality in action in your own life. Several ways to do this are given. Finally, the last chapter provides several tests for spirituality. This material allows you to measure your spirituality in different ways.
Unit Seven, Chapters 28-29 : Using Religion and Spirituality
True religion, if utilized properly, will increase spirituality in your life. You will live on a higher spiritual level with truth. With true religion you will make more progress in your life. Several ways to measure spiritual progress are provided in this material.
Conclusion – After reading more than 280 pages, some challenges are extended to you. The intent is to help you utilize this material in your life and the lives of family members. Remember, this book will help your road map to God become more accurate and thus increase personal fulfillment.
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For more information. read the Introduction of the book below.
Read This Before Reading Book
Each person is walking down his or her own road in life. To illustrate this, my wife and I have been walking down a marital road for a few decades. As two unique individuals, we have shared many experiences, as well as some unique experiences for each of us. Her road and my road are very similar, and yet different in several ways. Each of us is an individual who thinks and feels differently.
Now consider the road you are walking down. Is it leading you to where you want to go? Are you happy, developing, and succeeding? How far down your road can you see? What long-term activities and accomplishments do you see? If you want some changes in your journey, what would they be? How will you make these changes?
As the title of this book implies, God is an important person to consider as you evaluate your life. How much is he in your life now? What can be done to add more of his influence in your life? It’s important to remember the many ways that God can help you. Does your current road map allow God to influence you and your journey in life? The material in this book will help you evaluate your journey. It will serve as a guide to adjust your road map in order to get closer to God and increase his influence in your life. If you utilize this book wisely, it will strengthen your relationship with God and allow him to walk with you on your journey. Yes, it will literally lead you to God and ultimately be in his presence forever.
To evaluate your road map and journey now, we will cover several major topics in this book. These include personal philosophy, religion, history, science, and spirituality.
The book has universal application. It is for all nations, races, and groups. It offers truth in religion and greater spirituality for anyone in the world who seeks these things.
The approach taken in the book does not target groups. Instead, it aims at individuals who can be living in any country. Specifically, the book seeks readers who are curious and willing to learn new things. They seek knowledge and wisdom. It is for individuals who want more understanding and perspective. They want answers about the purpose and meaning of life. They desire to know if there is more to life than merely being born, living, and then dying. Does this describe you?
To provide answers, there is a logical order in the ideas presented as you go through the book. It is divided into units, with chapters in each unit, and sections in each chapter. Overall, the book is similar to a textbook, which is appropriate for the type of material being presented.
There is sufficient detail in the material to stimulate thought and cause much pondering. However, I do not provide all the knowledge that I have about the topics in the book. It would be too long. Instead, there is general descriptive material with sufficient details to help you understand it. If you study, learn, and accept much of the information here, you’ll be able to seek out additional information through different sources. To assist you, some recommendations will be given later in the book.
Many of the ideas and concepts presented here will be new to most people. For this reason, approach this book with an open mind. Read it carefully and analyze the material as you go.
To benefit the most from the book, read all the way through it. Some parts may make more sense to you than others. Some parts will be more familiar to you. It will be easier to accept some things in the book than other things. Have an open mind and give the book a chance. In the process, I will try to distinguish between personal thoughts and things I’ve learned to be true. This is the same thing I’m asking you to do.
There is a lot of material in this book. As you read, compare it to what you know now, and other books or sources of information. After reading through it, I recommend that you study it further. Focus on the chapters and sections that interest you. This will provide reinforcement and additional clarity.
I recommend that you keep a separate notepad while reading this book. List things you don’t understand well, or you disagree with, etc. Write questions to ask me. List things for you to work on. This type of extra effort will help you to get more out of the book and apply it more successfully in your life.
Remember, the ideas and information given are intended to be utilized throughout your life. This is what I have been doing. Also, I have read the Scriptures, as well as many other books related to the material here. I am not done learning and applying. Hopefully, you will come to the same conclusion too. This is the primary reason I wrote the book. The goal is more understanding so your road map is more accurate. This leads to a better you.
Finally, this book is not meant to put down your personal philosophy, nor any religion you follow or church you attend. Instead, it will help to clarify and strengthen your personal philosophy. It will give you more accurate and true religion, which will raise you up to live on a higher spiritual plain. All these things will enrich your life. Your self-image and confidence will increase. Better decisions will be made. You will experience more joy.
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