Where Has the Year Gone and Are You Going to Make Some New Year Resolutions

By Colleen Pulley

Another year has jumped out of the gate, and who will be the winners and losers are up in the air. When there are such fluctuations in the world, it is difficult to project into the next week, let alone the next quarter. With such instability, it is no wonder people have a difficult time finding peace and contentment.

The Christmas season seemed to come and go at lightning speed. The holiday decorations are down, and the Valentine cards and goodies are already beginning to be marketed. This certainly does not give us a chance to think about the experiences we had while the bells were ringing, and gifts were being unwrapped. It seems like it is “Okay, the weekend is over, get back to work!”

The question that always comes to my mind is this. What is the advantage of living life this way? We must find a way to decrease the grind that more and more of us are trapped in. We need to make time to reflect and meditate. There have been many studies have found when meditations and reflections are a part of your life, you live longer, are more productive, and experience more happiness and contentment. We are all entitled to this in our personal lives.

I have seen many people go through horrendous experiences, yet they are able to maintain a sense of calm and peace. One of those individuals told me that life had been more than just getting by. “Take time to enjoy the things you have. Be generous, and others are more likely to be generous to you. Listen to other people’s problems and they will be more willing to listen to yours. Above all do not forget that life is meant to be experienced, so cry when you are having a rough time, but do not forget to laugh when you’re having a good time.” This is good advice for all of us.

It is January, the month to set some new year resolutions. This is the time to weed out some of the habits and attitudes you have developed over time. I suggest you do everything you can to set some resolutions for yourself. You will be surprised by your success if you do everything you can to see them through to the end. You may not make it completely, but I read a study once that said even if you fail, the effort and energy you put into the trying part improves your thinking process, and makes you more open to new ideas. So, it can be a win-win situation.

One thing I strongly suggest is to make a list. Write what you want out of this year. Post your list on the refrigerator door or on your bathroom mirror. It will surprise you how good you will feel as you slowly achieve the items on your list. I predict these will return the bounce to your step, and the twinkle in your eye as you go about your daily duties. If nothing else, I am sure it will freak your boss out. He will be wondering what you are up to!

Just something to think about folks! Until later… Colleen

Key Words – finding peace and contentment, reflect and meditate, maintain a sense of calm and peace, new year resolutions, make a list

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